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Albertina Ferreira

Professor and researcher in computer science, with broad interest in databases and geographic information systems.

Ana Ambrósio Paulo

Professor in the areas of Statistics and Irrigation. Research interests in Hydrology and Water Management.

Helena Mira

Professor, winemaker and researcher in the area of food technology, mainly on the winemaking and oenology.

Luís Ferreira

Professor and researcher  in the area of Bioloy, Botany, and Ecology of Agricultural Ecosystems.

Margarida Oliveira

Professor and researcher in the area of water and wastewater treatment and management focused on the wine chain.

She is the project Coordinator.

Ana Loureiro

Professor and researcher in the field of Digital Literacy, Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), e-learning and social media / networking for learning. Department of Educative Technologies, School of Education of Polytechnic Institute of Santarém.

She will be working on the dissemination task and she is responisble for the project's website.

Sofia Ramôa

Graduated in Agronomic Engineering; holder of a Master and Doctorate Degree in Plant Production. She has been professor at the Agrarian School of Polytechnic Institute of Beja in the area of Earth’s Sciences, Irrigation Technologies and Statistics applied to experimental agriculture. Her research interests includes: environmental impact and agriculture systems, conservation of natural resources such as soil, water and biodiversity.

António Castro Ribeiro

Professor at the Department of Crop Production and Technology at the School of Agriculture-Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, and researcher at Mountain Research Centre (CIMO). His research has been focused on agrometeorology and irrigation.

Artur Gonçalves

Professor at the Environment and Natural Resources Department of the School of Agriculture - Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and researcher at the Mountain Research Center (CIMO). Key areas are Urban Sustainability and Environmental Management.

Manuel Feliciano

Professor at the Environment and Natural Resources Department of the School of Agriculture - Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and researcher at the Mountain Research Center (CIMO). His research has been focused on different fields of atmospheric sciences, environmental quality monitoring and eco-efficiency assessment of agro-food chain.

Ricardo Egipto

Researcher (Fellowship) in the area of grapevine water use, vineyard deficit irrigation and water use efficiency at INIAV. I will be a project collaborator.

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